Windsor Street Montessori School Family Testimonials
Unfiltered and unedited from families just like yours.
Our experience at Windsor Street has been so welcoming and inviting. We have seen so much growth in our son over the years. We love the care and attention the guides show.
— Joshua Hickam
I really enjoy school education and healthy food.
— Liu Wan
We just love Windsor Street Montessori. Our four-year-old has had an incredible experience growing, learning, and maturing under the peaceful guidance of the WSM staff. Our daughter loves "grown-up" foods like broccoli and cherry tomatoes and often teaches our family about "harvesting vegetables." She is also independent and emotionally mature for her age.
I feel so good dropping her off in the morning, knowing that she will have a fun-filled, enriching day enjoying the outdoors and organic, made-from-scratch food. I am confident she will thrive in any future learning environment because of the foundation we have built at WSM.
— Kristen Brown
We have enjoyed watching both of our children thrive at Windsor Street Montessori School over the years. I would tell any parent looking for a happy, loving, diverse place where their child can safely explore and grow to enroll here. There are so many benefits to being a member of this specific community that you cannot get anywhere else in Columbia, Missouri. There is an enclosed yet sprawling campus full of special places for kids to play and discover, an annual garden full of vegetables that are used for professionally prepared meals and cared for by the students, and there are culturally diverse educators and compassionate caregivers that make me wish I was spending my day there too! I can't say enough wonderful things about this school, and I truly wish as many children as possible to have the chance to experience its warmth and inclusivity.
— Aimee Ivancic
While we have only been with WSM for a little over a month, our two kids have been absolutely loving their experience. The warmth and care of the staff and the welcoming spirit of the other students has been apparent from our first day. The other day as I picked up the kids during circle time, I watched as the other kids all gave my 2-year-old daughter a hug as they said bye. From the curriculum to the sense of the community to the emphasis on outdoor play in nature, our kids have really enjoyed their transition to WSM.
— Brandon Butcher
My high-energy child looks forward to school on Monday. The neighbors are commenting on how much more calm and self-possessed we've grown. My sweetheart is very enthusiastic about the pinwheels, meatballs, and other homemade lunches. And the friends. And the sandbox. All these new games come home, like "Water Flow" and "Help the Rolly Polly Tie His Shoes."
This tells me about great strides in language, cooperation, and independence. I am so thankful for the team of teachers guiding my child in these good things.
— Fauna Hubble
We have only been at Windsor Street Montessori for a short time, but we are already seeing a positive impact on our child. The guides are incredibly sweet, patient, and take time to understand each child and help them grow. We have been very happy with how much time the children are able to spend outside.
Even in such a limited time, our child has become more confident and engaged with the world and people around her.
— Kristin and Ryan Hutchins
All of the teachers at Windsor Street Montessori prioritize building relationships with each child and family and making sure they have a plan for success. They have readily accepted our family daily through every tough phase and challenging life event. I am so thankful to have children loved so well at Windsor!
— Julie Dworski
Sending our daughter to Windsor Street Montessori has been one of our best decisions! The teachers go above and beyond to create a nurturing environment where every child is treated with genuine respect and kindness. We've seen our daughter blossom into such an independent and confident individual thanks to the empowering atmosphere fostered by the school. The Montessori approach has truly nurtured her innate curiosity and love for learning. Additionally, we can't say enough about Chef Gaby and the incredible impact she's had on our family. Her dedication to the food program and commitment to quality have not only raised the standard of meals at school but have impacted the way we communicate about food. Food is such an important part of our everyday lives, and Windsor Street sees and understands that it's an educational tool for teachers to use.
We are forever grateful for the positive influence Windsor Street Montessori has had on our daughter and our family.
— Kristen Schulte